If you happen to be within striking distance of Norwich on 21 June, please come along to a free presentation and discussion about neighbouring. We’ve an interesting range of speakers, and the chance to see some of Gemma Orton’s illustrations for Picnic (about which I’ll be saying a few words, pointing to the fascinating overlap with Milly Cockayne’s historical material).
Neighbouring then and now – is it any different?
Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library
Thursday 21st June, 6.00-7.30
Join us at the Millennium Library for a discussion about neighbouring – the Joneses are sure to be there so don’t miss it!
There will be a presentation by Norwich-based historian Emily Cockayne, author of the recently published Cheek by jowl: a history of neighbours.
We will also hear account of neighbouring past and present from Fran Ellington from the Grapes Hill Community Garden and from Frances Holmes who worked on The Courts and Yards of Norwich project.
The whole event will be chaired by Kevin Harris and there will also be a display of art work from Gemma Orton, who worked with Kevin on a recent book.
This is a free event and there will be soft drinks available. For more details please contact Sarah ([email protected], 01603 774707).
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