An hour after posting here a few thoughts about racism, I was out for a run in the sun and stopped by white van man. 'Do you know of any gypsy sites round here?' he asked. His mate peered at me from the wheel.
When you're moving at reasonable pace and the heart-rate is around 90% of max, it's hard to stop suddenly and reflect on such an odd situation in a country lane. I noticed the sign on the side of the van, suggesting they were building or engineering contractors. My breath-catching pause gave him the chance to explain:
'We've had some stuff gone missing. They've probably stolen it.'
Unfortunately I'm a compulsive information-sharer. It's incurable. If I'd had the knowledge they sought, I have to admit that in that situation I would probably have divulged it. Perhaps harmlessly, and anyway the council website will probably tell them. But I genuinely didn't know, it's years since any of the local sites were used, as far as I'm aware.
I trotted on, with distaste for the collusive presumption in the accusation. And struck by the fact that twice - at the beginning and end of the conversation - they apologised for having stopped me, which is more courteous than is usual.
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