And here it is. The Respect Action Plan and the respect website now published. Tony Blair's speech is here.
A quick read-through of the plan suggests it's more thorough than I had been led to believe but seems to confirm the sense of almost unrelieved negativity that we got from the publicity trail. Enforcing respect is seen emphatically as an issue of democracy: 'what the majority wants.'
Various points of interest:
"Within the next year we will ensure that all Government funded regeneration schemes are accompanied by measures to manage behaviour." (Empahsis added).
OK, that's pretty clear. As for the scrutiny process:
"We will place a duty on district level ward councillors to consider issues, and respond within a prescribed timescale. The majority of problems should be resolved at this stage."
On Local Area Agreements:
"By 2007, all upper tier local authorities will have an LAA, including a mandatory outcome on Respect and anti-social behaviour." This provision will include a requirement for all authorities to ensure that intensive family support projects are in place where they are needed.
And yes, there are proposals for activities for children and young people (see chapter 2) - although they look pretty skinny from here.
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