Sunday, 04 December 2005

Mixed tenure and mixed income neighbourhoods A new report from JRF, published today, looks at patterns of segregation and policy issues for promoting mixed tenure and mixed income neighbourhoods. Segregation is much more concentrated in terms of tenure than unemployment. Patterns of segregation and deprivation depend on a complex set of inter-related forces, covering the operation of local housing markets, labour markets and how people move between different areas. At the local level, areas expand or contract in the main according to the movement of households in or out the area. Movement is very responsive to local housing market conditions. These, in turn, are strongly related to local levels of deprivation and the state of the labour market. The housing market does not respond in a straightforward manner to changes in the level of deprivation. There are powerful ‘thresholds’ operating which affect whether and how areas change. Deprivation has to fall to a certain point before the local housing market begins to take off and attract into the area the necessary high-skilled individuals and also the private sector capital for an area to thrive, which will in turn generate virtuous circles. The findings summary is here. The full report, Economic segregation in England: causes, consequences and policy, is here. I'm reminded that the Chartered Institute for Housing recently published an interesting looking report on housing mix, called Mixed tenure twenty years on: nothing out of the ordinary. More details here.

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