I happen to think this blog is of far more use to people as an information source than for any views of mine that froth forth from time to time. So it makes sense to mention the belated publication of David Halpern's book on social capital before I've had time to read it and spout about it. But trust me, it does exist, at last. Here's the info you need -
Social capital / David Halpern. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005.
Apparently www.polity.co.uk exists also, but not from this machine on this particular sunday evening.
And FWIW, with just 50-odd pages read - a feeling of delight at the accessibility of the text. This looks to be the book about s.c. that we didn't realise we needed. Relaxed in exploring the contested areas, Halpern keeps articulating the questions that I'd like to have been able to formulate, and setting out the findings (from this bogglingly accelerating literature) that help you think through your own assessment - and in a very readable style that engages without trying to seduce the reader one way or the other. Go out and get it. Or stay in and get it, whichever.
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