Tuesday, 15 June 2004

Displaying neighbourliness I think initiatives like this are going to become more and more popular… Over the last couple of years, residents in the London Borough of Hackney have been signing up to a Good Neighbour Declaration and displaying stickers in their windows to confirm it. A similar suggestion was made to us during our research in Manchester so I was interested to learn about its impact. Copies of the GND were distributed to every household on targeted estates. Residents who signed up to it were given a certificate and a window or door sticker proclaiming ‘I have signed the Good Neighbour Declaration of the South Hackney Estates.’ “Signed-up residents who display the stickers on their windows also serve to publicise the scheme to neighbours who have not signed up. At every opportunity, members of the Housing Estate staff promote and publicise the GND to the residents. There are monthly reports to the Estate Committees on progress and the effect of the GND as well as anti-social behaviour reports.” This initiative was a response, led by Sanctuary Housing Association in South Hackney, to a finding that communal anti-social behaviour was of greater concern to residents than serious crime. The use of window stickers seems to me a very good device that is both passive and collective, and expresses a potential to respond to antisocial behaviour. It’s like a raising of the eyebrows as if to say, well I care about what’s going on and so do quite a few others. If necessary, we can act collectively. “Specifically linked to the Good Neighbourhood Declaration (GND) are the Nominated Neighbour Scheme, Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, Police Surgeries and Youth Projects aimed at tackling youth crime and social exclusion. The enforcement of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts( ABCs ) on the estates was used.” Apparently the initiative led to a noticeable decrease in the number of anti-social behaviour, nuisance and harassment incidents reported to the Association from residents of its four estates. This case study isn’t new but it comes from the freshly-launched Together website on tackling antisocial behaviour.

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